"News of mass shootings and their tragic results have left many people wondering what can be done to prevent or mitigate the consequences of violent acts—including acts committed in the workplace. Should a few trained managers be allowed to carry guns at work? What are the risks and benefits? Employment law attorneys weighed in.
Reasons for arming certain employees include to deter an unstable person from trying to commit a violent act and, if a violent act does occur, to try to counteract the threat, said Jason Clagg, an attorney with Barnes & Thornburg in Fort Wayne, Ind.
...However, the disadvantages of arming managers are many, [Mark] Lies said. For one thing, a manager is usually not a sworn law enforcement officer, so he or she would not have the same legal immunities from liability that officers have. "
How To
Discuss Workplace Misconduct With Your Employees
" Addressing misconduct, fraud, and theft with your employees can be straightforward or complicated, depending on the people involved and the nature of the allegations. "