Delivering Hospitality Legal and Safety News to the Food & Beverage Industry

February 2018
Back To Square One: NLRB Reverts to Unworkable Joint-Employer Test - For Now
book titled "employment law" with a mallet
"In what employers are sure to hope is just a temporary—but stinging—setback, the National Labor Relations Board today vacated its December ruling that had freed employers from having to deal with an unworkable and expansive legal test for determining whether an entity was considered a joint employers. Because of allegations that one of the three-member majority was ethically compromised due to his former law firm’s involvement in a related case, the Board decided that it would pull the new legal test and instead revert to the troubling and controversial standard that had been in place since August 2015. What do employers need to know about this development?"
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Hospitality Law Conference, April 12 - 13 2018
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concept image: keyboard with accessibility key
Protect Your Business From "Surf-By" Lawsuits
"Taking a proactive approach to making your business website accessible to individuals with disabilities is the best deterrent to a lawsuit and will put your business in the strongest position to defeat a lawsuit."
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"minimum wage" plaque with mallet and gavel
Behind the Minimum Wage Fight, A Sweeping Failure to Enforce the Law
woman filling out a sexual harassment
complaint form
Dozens of Workers Detail Sexual Misconduct at Applebees, IHOP Franchises
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Hospitality Law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry, 5th Edition
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