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July 2019's Converge Newsletter
Hospitality Quest 2019: The Search For The Elusive Employee
Human resource management, recruitment and hiring concept
July 4, 2019 via ConvergeBlog

"Hey Steve, this is Mr. Joe over here at Big Eats. Man, I have a problem and I need to pick your brain. I can’t find enough applicants and hire enough employees to fill the openings I have at my stores. I even had to close down the store over on 42nd Street one day last week because I could not find employees to work the evening shift. Overtime is killing me! Even when I offer overtime hours to my employees, they don’t want to work it. I really need help. Got any suggestions?"

Yes, indeed—the labor market is tight. And with the nationwide unemployment rate below 4 percent, 263,000 new jobs created in April 2019, and a sizzling economy, the labor market is likely to get even tighter. This is especially true for the hospitality industry, which has traditionally relied upon a steady stream of lower-skilled and younger applicants eager to enter into the job market. In fact, the National Restaurant Association predicts that jobs in the food service industry will top 15 million in 2019, and lists recruiting and retaining employees among the top challenges for operators.

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celebrations in office; two employees hug
To hug or not to hug: A 5-step guide to embracing at work

July 13, 2019 via CNN
New jobs and promotions, baby and marriages news, a colleague who's moving out of the country. Should you go in for an embrace at work, even if the situation warrants it?

Well, it's complicated.

Cozen O'Connor
shadow of gunman holding a gun
Training Your Hotel Employees to Manage an Active Shooter Situation

July 7, 2019 via Hotel Executive

If a gunman opens fire inside your hotel, will your employees know how to respond? It's a question that hospitality leaders are asking more often these days. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the number of active shooter events grew from 20 in 2016 to 30 in 2017, claiming 943 lives over that two-year period.
The Hospitality Law Conference: Series
2.0 - Washington DC
social security cards
SSA No-Match Letters Are Back: How Should Employers Respond?
June 19, 2019 via Conn Maciel Carey

The no-match letter states that there is an error with at least one name and the Social Security Number (SSN) on a W-2 that is submitted by the employer. Importantly, the no-match letter does not imply that the employer or the employee intentionally reported incorrect information. They are educational in nature to advise employers that a correction may be needed for the SSA to post the correct wages to the right record because discrepancies could occur due to typographical errors, unreported name changes (such as changes due to marriage or divorce) and inaccurate employer records.
Conn Maciel Carey
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