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April 2020's Converge Newsletter
Six Ways HR Can Manage the Experience of On-site Employees During the Coronavirus Pandemic
leadership and teamwork during coronavirus
April 22, 2020 via Gartner

HR leaders can better manage the experience of employees who must work on-site during the COVID-19 pandemic by instituting six key steps, according to Gartner, Inc.

"Apart from providing the government recommended provisions, such as masks, sanitizers and personal protective equipment (PPE), HR leaders need to proactively manage their on-site workers’ experience," said Brian Kropp, chief of research for the Gartner HR practice.

The six ways HR leaders can improve the experience of on-site employees during the coronavirus pandemic include the following:'s ConvergeBlog
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Coronavirus concept: business woman and man rest on gears surrounded by bacteria and work icons
HR Changes to Make When Your Workers Return From the COVID-19 Quarantine

April 20, 2020 via MultiBriefs
HR professionals in all industries should be thinking now about changes that need to be made based on the lessons learned over the past few months. This article outlines some of the basic areas where employers will need to adapt and make changes.
Fisher Phillips
Comprehensive And Updated FAQs For Employers On The COVID-19 Coronavirus

(Updated) April 13, 2020 via ConvergeBlog

Fisher Phillips...COVID-19 Taskforce has created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, which has been continually updated since first published on March 3 and will continue to be updated as events warrant.
Weekly COVID-19 Conference Call
diverse group of people wearing different types of masks
CDC Recommends Face Masks: What Employers Need To Know
April 14, 2020 via ConvergeBlog

Now that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control ("CDC") has recommended that the public wear cloth face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we anticipate that employees will increasingly seek to use face masks in the workplace. Employers that do not normally provide face masks or other protective equipment should keep in mind that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") has published standards governing personal protective equipment ("PPE") and respiratory protection that can apply when an employee asks to wear a face mask, even voluntarily. Although we do not anticipate that OSHA will be aggressively chasing employers that are making the best of a difficult situation in good faith, we wanted to provide you with FAQ guidance on the applicable standards, so that you do not get inadvertently tripped up on compliance with applicable requirements.
Laner Muchin
EthicsSuite: The First and Only Workplace Misconduct, Theft, and Fraud Reporting Platform for the Hospitality Industry
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