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July 2018's Converge Newsletter
A Forgotten Tool: Improving Lodging Security With Behavioral Detection & Analysis
one person targeted from crowd
July 18, 2018 via Lodging Magazine

Last year, a hotel guest in Las Vegas committed the worst mass shooting in U.S. history when he killed 58 people and injured another 422 by shooting them from his hotel room window. More common are the occurrences of fraud, theft, drug and human trafficking, prostitution, and assault that happen on a daily basis. In addition to the physical and mental harm caused by these incidents, there may be legal, financial, and reputational costs to the establishments where they occur.

To address these vulnerabilities, lodging facilities have traditionally relied on a layered approach to physical security. Mutually supporting security countermeasures—including CCTV, locks, and staff dedicated to the security function—exist at the perimeter of the property, entrances, and key access points (e.g., the front desk) to deter, delay, disrupt, or deny the human threat. To build upon these existing practices and to ensure that security is both an organizational philosophy and practice for all staff, basic behavioral detection and analysis (BDA) techniques should be added to existing security programs.'s ConvergeBlog
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family making payment at hotel desk
Special Handling of Hospitality Claims Involving Minors of All Ages

July 24, 2018 via ConvergeBlog
Hospitality claims involving children differ from adult claims because generally the law does not expect children to comprehend the dangers they might face. As a result, the common law has recognized the doctrine of attractive nuisance.  
Hamilton Miller Birthisel
Attorneys at Law
person drawing hotel lobby
Techniques to Reduce Security Claims; Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

June 30, 2018 via ConvergeBlog

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) emphasizes using the structures, spaces, lighting and people around an area to prevent crime and to increase loss prevention. Accomplishing this task is not an easy one; architects attempt to beautify, and engineers attempt to increase efficiency.
Rimkus Consulting Group
circuit board with blue padlock
Cybercrime Fighter Theresa Payton Talks Data Security & Hotels
June 26, 2018 via Lodging Magazine

Theresa Payton is a veteran cybercrime fighter who has brought her expertise to everything from the White House as a former chief information officer to the CBS show "Hunted," where she plays a recurring role as herself. The president and CEO of Fortalice Solutions and co-founder of Dark Cubed recently addressed thousands of hospitality professionals at the close of this year’s Hospitality Industry Technology Exposition and Conference (HITEC) in Houston on June 21. Following the conference, Payton shared with VENZA and LODGING her thoughts on what the hospitality industry is up against when it comes to data and cybersecurity, her recommendations for hoteliers, and her vision for preparing the next generation to take on cybercrime.
Venza: Better Disability, Better
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