When the pandemic first began, most employees were ready to pitch in and do their part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
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Delivering Hospitality Employment Law & Safety News to HR Professionals

December 2020's Converge Newsletter
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The Top 5 Ways To Keep Your Employees Engaged (And Safe) Despite COVID Fatigue
businesswoman slumped over desk, suffering covid-19 fatigue
December 17, 2020 via ConvergeBlog

When the pandemic first began, most employees were ready to pitch in and do their part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. They adapted to remote working while attending to their children. Others understood they were deemed "essential workers" and adjusted to the new normal when coming to work, which included temperature checks, symptom sign-offs, masks, and social distancing. But after months of being team players, we are all ready for the game to end. Many of your employees are feeling "COVID fatigue" just as we see COVID-19 exposure numbers increasing once again.

Complacency is something safety professionals are used to dealing with in their workforces. For example, employees get tired of being told to put in their ear plugs every day when walking into a machine shop. The worker who performs a confined space entry each week may get tired of testing the atmosphere every time they take off a manhole cover as they have never encountered any atmospheric hazards in the past. However, that one time they forget could lead to a serious accident.

Safety professionals are continually looking for ways to keep workers engaged in safety compliance. For employers not used to keeping workers engaged in safety protocols, this is new territory. It’s especially dangerous when it comes at a time when employers themselves are feeling tired and anxious about when we may return to business as usual.

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massive layoffs of people
Analysis: Leisure & Hospitality Unemployment Rate Nearly Double the National Average

December 10, 2020 via Lodging Magazine
The leisure and hospitality industry resurged slightly in September with 413,000 new jobs, but declined precipitously over the past three months, adding only 31,000 jobs in November.
Christmas party in office during quarantine period.
Baby, There’s COVID Outside! Tips for Workplace Holiday Celebrations: The 2020 Pandemic Edition

December 10, 2020 via
It’s the end of the year, we all hope we’ll never have to do 2020 again, and employers are looking to celebrate with their employees who have worked so hard over the past months. As COVID-19 cases rise, however, employers must rethink their typical holiday plans and get creative to safely celebrate with employees.
Asian business owner and barista wearing face mask
Sexual Harassment of Restaurant Workers has Grown Dramatically During the Pandemic, a One Fair Wage Study Claims

December 1, 2020 via Nation's Restaurant News

"This is on a scale that is obviously much, much larger than that. It’s not geographically isolated, it’s every state in the country, and every country in the world," he said. "It’s going to be a long haul in terms of lawsuits and assessing liability."
Receptionist wearing medical mask in office
New COVID-Related State Leave Laws Fill The Void Left By Federal Paid Leave Laws
November 30, 2020 via Conn Maciel Carey

As the U.S. is entering the third wave of COVID-19 as virus cases continue to rise nationwide, employers should not only be aware of their obligations under the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act, but also recent state laws such as California’s COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and New York State’s COVID-19 Leave Law.
Conn Maciel Carey
EthicsSuite: The First and Only Workplace Misconduct, Theft, and Fraud Reporting Platform for the Hospitality Industry
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