


Emotional Intelligence Tip of the Week
This week let's avoid taking things personally...
 If someone says something unkind to you or about you, try to remember that what other people think of you is none of your business.
Try not to react to what is said or what you hear, as it is our reaction that provides significance to the comment. As we learned previously, if we do not react, then nothing really happened.

If we sense that people are laughing at us, often we feel embarrassed or humiliated; try changing your response to laughing with them. We are people and we do funny things. If we all gave ourselves permission to lighten up and laugh at ourselves, the world would be a much more cheerful place.
Photo by Pixabay
"Be peaceful… be a lifelong learner…and lead a meaningful life by assisting others…"
Purchase a copy of Intelligent Emotions: On Self-Responsibility, Owning our Emotional Power and Changing Our Reactions e-book HERE for $3.99
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